Add Flavour: our 7 pillars of well-being


We recognize that well-being is a highly personal matter: what brings happiness to one person may not to another. Therefore, we have represented different facets of well-being as a lime wedge divided into seven segments: our seven pillars of well-being. The segments represent how each pillar can add flavour to your life. The seven pillars are as follows: culture and values, mental health, the ABC of work happiness, social contact, development, psychical health and the right leaders. We launched our ‘Add Flavour’ well-being concept in 2021. We stimulate our associates to reflect on what makes them happy and to add their preferred elements of well-being to their (work) lives. In this way, they are able to take their personal work happiness into their own hands, with our help and support.

We stimulate our associates to reflect on what makes them happy.


Our Well-being heroes

wellbeing heroes

Our aim is to foster a community of ‘well-being heroes’ in each division or country. These well-being heroes are people who embody a range of different profiles and functions, and who have a desire to dedicate themselves to promoting the well-being of their colleagues. They coordinate action plans, roll out well-being initiatives according to associates’ most prevalent needs, and integrate existing initiatives into action plan.

Well-being canvas: mapping out the needs

Wellbeing action

To support our heroes in their task of promoting the well-being of their colleagues, we have developed a well-being canvas. With this canvas, the well-being heroes map out their action plan based on the needs of the target group, and the results of our yearly Engagement Survey, the well-being pillars they want to work on, and the actions they wish to take. The heroes also formulate KPIs to monitor the results of implementing the action plans. Many insights emerge from filling in the well-being canvas, which are subsequently discussed in our sharing cafés. During these inspirational meetings, people who have willingly engaged in the well-being programme share ideas and initiatives.


Sustainability is a hot topic in the food industry. At Vandemoortele, we show how much we care about our planet. Our tasty foods are innovative and sustainable and inspire moments of happiness. Vandemoortele is dedicated to ensuring healthy, safe and inclusive workplaces. We encourage the development and personal growth of our associates and appreciate the value of a diverse work force. Working in partnership with many others, we make great efforts to create a positive social impact.  READ MORE ON HOW WE ARE COMMITTED TO ENHANCING LIVES


Het van oorsprong Belgische familiebedrijf Vandemoortele is opgericht in 1899. In de afgelopen twee decennia is Vandemoortele uitgegroeid tot een Europese groep van voedingsbedrijven, met leidende posities in twee productcategorieën: Bakkerijproducten & Plant-Based Food Solutions. We staan ​​bekend om het leveren van innovatieve en kwalitatief hoogstaande producten.

In 2022 realiseerde Vandemoortele met 4.600 (vaste en tijdelijke) medewerkers een omzet van ongeveer 1,7 miljard euro. Het hoofdkantoor van Vandemoortele Groep is gevestigd in Gent, België. We hebben commerciële kantoren in 12 Europese landen, evenals in de Verenigde Staten en Azië. We zijn actief in 29 hoogwaardige productielocaties in heel Europa, om de nabijheid van al onze belangrijkste markten te garanderen. Wij exporteren vanuit Europa naar 70 landen wereldwijd.

Nieuws & Media Contact

Marc Croonen