Grilled salmon with asparagus and bacon

Cooking Time

40 mins

Serving Suggestion

4 people


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How to make Grilled salmon with asparagus and bacon


Cut the Salmon fillet into your preferred portions and marinate them in BELOLIVE® Olive Oil, pepper and salt. Pre heat your grill and then cook the salmon to your taste and let it rest.


Peel the white asparagus and remove the ends before boiling it for roughly 7 minutes in salted water, it may need longer if your asparagus is especially thick. Cook the green asparagus in salted boiling water for 4 minutes then allow it to cool with the white asparagus. Roll the white asparagus in bacon and drizzle BELOLIVE® Olive Oil and roast them on a grill.


After cooking, cool down the two types of asparagus thoroughly. Roll the white asparagus in bacon. Sprinkle both white and green asparagus with BELOLIVE® olive oil and let them roast on the grill. Cook the salmon in the oven further at 170 ° C for several minutes together with the asparagus.


Dress the asparagus on the plate together with the salmon. Cut the baby bok choy fine and dress on the salmon. Finish with roasted sesame seeds.

Ingredients used

Vandemoortele Ingredients

Other Ingredients

4 portions of Salmon fillet
8 green asparagus
8 white asparagus
4 Baby bok choy
Sesame seeds
16 slices of bacon

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